Blockchain Developer Salary: Worldwide Research

Prepare well in all concepts of blockchain architecture and fundamentals. Learn more about the applications of blockchain and have a clear understanding of computer networks, data systems, and so on. Reportedly, beginners with less than one year of experience can likely expect a blockchain developer salary of up to $120,000 per year. In contrast, experienced developers with 2-4 years of software experience and under a year of blockchain technology experience could expect around $124,000 per year. While still in its infancy, blockchain is making its way across a host of industries. This includes banking and financial services, healthcare, retail, IT, and automotive, to name a few.

  • As mentioned, such activities are impossible in a Blockchain system since the data about all accounts is encrypted and stored by all system participants.
  • In Australia, the salary of Blockchain developer starts from $69,296, then rises to $103,945.
  • In totality, remarkably enough, the average Blockchain Developers Salary in Europe is around $50K – $150K USD when we can see a greater spectrum in the less crypto friendly world.
  • A person just authorizes into the system and makes a choice with a unique identifier.
  • But they get the work done, and they get it done to a very high standard.
  • Whether game mechanics is your forte, or you prefer just working on bug fixes, there are plenty of web3 coding jobs in game development.

Blockchain provides an extremely secure method of storing data and conducting transactions. Worldwide spending on blockchain solutions is expected to grow from 1.5 billion in 2018 to an estimated 15.9 billion by 2023. This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals. Besides, Blockchain allows to prevent the falsification of documents and, if not to exclude, then, at least, minimize the corruption in certain spheres. The usage of technology in document management enables keeping records of the medical prescriptions issued by doctors, university diplomas, or certificates of ownership.

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Use the guide below to discover blockchain developer salary insights and career opportunities. The average salary for blockchain developers in Germany ranges from 26 to 111 thousand euros per year. The major part of the vacancies are vacancies for Java developers (63 thousand euros), just developers (61 thousand euros), software developers (59 thousand euros). There is no data on the salaries of blockchain developers in Switzerland on Indeed.

There is Malta, Gibralatar, United Kingdom, Switzerland and other such countries that encourage crypto and blockchain industry to focus on European market. Alcor knows the answer, as we are experienced in providing IT recruitment services in Romania, Poland, and other Eastern European countries. So, keep reading this article to find out about Blockchain market trends, global rates for these IT specialists, factors that influence their salary, and top destinations to hire Blockchain developers.

AI Applications in the Web3 Ecosystem

This is just one example of the innovative applications of blockchain development. The average salary of a blockchain programmer in Germany is 58 thousand euros, or 70 thousand dollars per year, in Switzerland – 86 thousand Swiss francs, or 96 thousand dollars a year. The average salary of a senior software engineer in Germany is 70 thousand euros, or 85 thousand dollars per year, in Switzerland – 92 thousand Swiss francs, or 103 thousand dollars a year.

blockchain developer salary europe

To train yourself to become a blockchain developer, understanding the basic concepts and terminologies in the field of blockchain is very important. Learn the fundamental concepts of blockchain, and also learn about real-time blockchain applications and the working mechanism of various consensus protocols. The average Blockchain developer salary India is $9,221 per year, which is almost equal to the salary throughout the region.

Average Blockchain Developer Salary in Eastern Europe

While it’s not a job, per se, you can also make money with Bug bounties. Basically, you spend your time finding holes in web3 project’s security, and often they will pay you a nice bounty. However, this is not guaranteed and some white hat hackers have been left holding an empty bag after an incredibly dangerous discovery.

blockchain developer salary europe

Crypto jobs are becoming more common, but they’re still competitive, and somewhat niche. You’re unlikely simply to fall into this sector, because you’ll need specific skills and approaches you won’t have picked up unless you’ve gone looking for them. In conclusion, a blockchain developer is a great job with a good salary, but it might not be so easy to get. Those with programming knowledge may already have the skills to succeed. Meanwhile, beginners should start with caution – once it’s on-chain, it’s on there forever.


Certain projects have particular demographics, so if that’s the case this is well worth considering – you may already have languages that make you an asset. Qubit Labs offers the following chart, which tracks salaries as a function of Location and experience. Blockchain technology is disrupting every single Industry, and no sub-sector is safe from the grip of this arm of Industry 4.0. It is a well documented fact that Blockchain developers are offered and granted very high salaries, across all regions. Reethu Ravi is a journalist currently based in the UK, covering environment, sustainability, tech and innovation.

blockchain developer salary europe

With the blockchain sector exploding, certain competencies are experiencing exceptional demand. Blockchain developer skills are highly desirable, and there are well-paid positions for product managers and technology architects too. There are legal and compliance roles, for those with the right training, as well as vacancies in communications and community management.

Industry & Company Type

In addition, there are also regions such as Gibraltar and Malta, where the government supports the launch of cryptocurrency and blockchain projects. Blockchain developer salary in India ranges from 500,000 to 3,000,000 rupees – the higher the experience and skills, the higher the rate. In addition, the size of the salary depends on education and work experience in the positions of primary, secondary, and senior management. It includes the salary ranges and availability of the requested developers in Poland, Romania, and other countries in EE (as well as time-to-hire metrics and other KPIs for your case). But combining the technical experience with business strategies helps the developers in building some state-of-the-art results in the domain.

blockchain developer salary europe

In other cases, the process will be less formal – especially if you’re working remotely or for a decentralised initiative. In that case, you’ll probably need a portfolio of previous work and a track record in the blockchain world. Querying databases and looking for accurate data points regarding blockchain developer salaries on the Internet bears inconsistent results. The data points are not only inconsistent – the information is often outdated. Web3 companies launching tokens need coding skills and often have jobs displayed on Linkedin.

What is the market demand for Blockchain engineering?

But you’d be wrong to think you can walk into the blockchain sector and treat your job as you would any other. While there are similarities with a ‘normal’ job, in order to thrive and make the most of the opportunity – including the money – you’ll almost certainly need to up your game. The good news is that for those who rise to the challenge, the rewards, financial and otherwise, can be considerable. With increasing adoption of Blockchain solutions, developers knowledgeable of this technology are now some of the most sought-after professionals in the world.

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